openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

the bright side project.

i woke up this morning to a fun little surprise.  a comment had come through from a friend on facebook (thanks amanda b.!) congratulating me
that she had seen a feature/giveaway about handmade lovelies on this great site  rewind to a few weeks back, i got
an email from one of the founders of the site letting me know how great she thought my little store was and if i would be interested
in being a part of a group that "delivers sunshine daily" could i say "no" to that?!  make sure you go over to their happy site and
check out all the great things they have...and while you're there, ENTER to win the shoe lovelies they are featuring today!!

*stay tuned to the oFp. blog too, who knows, a little lovelies giveaway could be in the future. :)

happy wednesday everyone.


March 17, 2011 - 7:38 am

Mom - well that certainly “brightened” my day!!! Congrats to you!!!

March 16, 2011 - 2:22 pm

Dawn - Yay!!! Congrats Lauren!!! =)

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