openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

Category Archives: personal.

hi, my name is lauren. when i’m not photographing weddings, i photograph concerts.

the statement above is a true story. it’s really turned out to be a dream to be involved with music and photography. and since landing the cover to THIS album, the spark only continues to get bigger. i had the opportunity to photograph keane a few weekends ago in columbus, ohio at the newport music […]

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February 12, 2013 - 1:37 pm

Carie - Great pictures! it really does depict what a wonderful show Keane puts on – even without the music! ๐Ÿ™‚

February 7, 2013 - 2:35 pm

nicole - love them! ๐Ÿ™‚ great job as usual!

February 7, 2013 - 2:13 pm

Dawn - Lauren, these are AMAZING! You are so darn talented! =)