openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

hannah & brandon. a day after session.

blog readers, meet hannah & brandon! hannah was the winner of the session that we gave away!

ok, now to the good stuff. 🙂

hannah & brandon were married in maui earlier in october and decided they wanted to have a few images back home in the midwest during the greatest season ever (fall!). we met up with them (and their family!) and spent a bit of time together…they even decided to bring their loyal companion moxie, the great dane. 🙂

congrats again you guys, we wish you tons of love and happiness!


l. & r.

loving these next two images.


January 6, 2013 - 12:05 pm

kimie - 5th image down=Swoon.

aaannnnddddd I want their pup.

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