openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

the jenkins family.

the jenkins family has made more than one appearance on this blog and this time they added ONE more!! meet sweet madelyn! her big sister olivia, little brother will and fur bro wrigley (along with their SUPER COOL parents and their grandparents, whom we all LOVE and adore…hi bill & patsy!) met up so we could get some images with the entire crew. 🙂

it’s for sure a challenge to photograph 3 small kids + one dog, but the trick is to let everyone just “find” their place…and if that means that someone is holding dandelions the whole session or that someone else is drooling or even that one is not at all sure of what those two people are doing standing in front of him holding cameras are doing…so be it. it’s those in-between moments that count anyways, right?

we sure do love this family (and wish they didn’t live so far away!) and had a blast catching up and getting some new images for them…let’s do it again soon you guys! 🙂

much love.

l. & r.


i think robbie must have said something really funny…olivia gets his humor, apparently will does not. LOL. 🙂

hey will, you’re dang cute. and mischievous and hilarious.

WRIGLEY!! he is so stinking cute. and so good with the kids. we think all kids should grow up with a pup!

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