openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

the masilonis family.

get ready for lots of cuteness you guys…a bunch of it, really.

these four had the best laughs, and we mean good old fashioned belly laughs. the kind of laughs that are infectious and pretty soon we were all just laughing and having a good old time!

we get so lucky to photograph such awesome families…we really honestly do. this family was no exception, and we absolutely loved our time with them! katie even sent us an email after the session saying how much fun they had, which was so sweet & kind!!

enjoy these favorites!!

thanks again masilonis family for being so FUN and SILLY!! can’t wait until next time!


l. & r.

mikey over there just worrying about that giant stick. how cute?! such a BOY!

how stinking adorable is miss emily?

TA-DA! love her! 🙂

the sun was still pretty high and hot, but as you know with small kids, you sometimes only get a short window of “cooperation”. i have to say though, these two kiddos were TOTAL CHAMPS and were silly and happy the whole session. we had the “ruins” as the background in our heads and wanted to use them when we suggested the park for their session, so we knew we wanted to end with that location. it was one of those moments when everything aligned, all the people that had been there playing left, the sun went to the MOST perfect spot for some flare and we got some GREAT smiles from everyone! gotta love moments like that! 🙂

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