openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.


for those of us that are photographers, it’s sometimes necessary to do a session that’s just for fun. it’s a non-stress type situation, one where you can get out those ideas that have been in your brain and on the back burner. this session with chelsea was that for me. i use pinterest a ton, for home decor ideas, recipes, inspiration for weddings and upcoming sessions, etc. i have a board that unknowingly i kept pinning images of crowns and elizabethan collars. i figured my brain was telling me something, so i reached out to chelsea and asked if she’d help me out with making them come to life.

like i said, sessions like this are good for me, they remind me of why i love photographing people so much.

a big thanks to chelsea, you’re awesome.



styling by: me | assisting my: robbie gantt | model: chelsea mark | crowns made by: me | elizabethan collar made by: dolly chapman | dresses: ASOS

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