openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

kirstin & danielle & tim.

we met up with dani & tim (who you may remember from their amazing winery wedding) and their BEAUTIFUL daughter for their first family session. we love this family with all of our hearts and kind of can’t wait to see her grow up. kirstin already has tons of personality, a perfect smile and totally has her parents wrapped around her cute chubby little fingers. watch out world.

yay! to fun families.


l. & r.

*what better time of year to schedule a family session with us…it’s getting to be “that” time of year (the HOLIDAYS!) and you know you want to show off your cute self (and of course your family) with the perfect card. don’t wait…email us and let’s find a time that works! 🙂

October 29, 2012 - 2:39 pm

the callahan family. » openFieldphotography. - […] this is one of those families. […]

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