openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

oFp. & shootsac lens bag.

while on a recent trip to sunny so-cal, i had the opportunity to play around with the new and *improved* shootsac lens bag…for those of you who are photographers you know all about the AMAZING-NESS that is shootsac. it’s a wonderful and a MUST HAVE bag when photographing any sort of event. we’ve photographed concerts, weddings, portrait & lifestyle sessions and everything in between and our “go-to” bag is always the shootsac. it allows you to the chance to shoot fast, change lens quick all without bulking you up, which lets be honest, is the LAST thing we want.

my wonderful friend allison lives near venice beach and we met up, walked around (laughed!) and shot for a little bit…the warm sun, awesome light and colorful art around every corner was such a welcomed change of scenery. i snagged a couple of quick images and was SO delighted to see one of the images featured in an email that went out today to all of the shootsac users! you see, they are launching a *NEW* version of the oh-so popular bag…with some new features that are going to make the bag even more genius and more useful (is that even possible?!)

:new features:

 INTERCHANGEABLE COVERS…with POCKETS to hold keys, memory cards, chapstick, etc.

NEW designs for all you guys out there.

a new SWIVEL HOOK…no more tangled straps anymore.

WIDER lens pockets for easier access to lenses.

go over and check out the new bag, all the covers, accessories and the new products they have…you won’t be dissapointed! a big thank you to allison (more images to come from our fun little session soon!) and kim from shootsac!



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