openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

winner, winner, chicken dinner!

yay! we have a winner! we’d like to congratulate hannah t. who won our lifestyle session giveaway! exciting stuff! 🙂

we want to thank everyone who entered and “liked” us on FB and if your name wasn’t picked this time, don’t worry! we still want you guys to walk away with something…for all of you who entered with a comment (either on FB or the blog) we would love to extend to you a *50% off discount ($150 regularly $300) on a family/lifestyle session! send us an email to check our availability for sessions to:  info (at) openFieldphotography (dot) (com).

again, BIG HUGS and THANKS to all that entered and don’t forget to take us up on our offer for *1/2 off a session…the holidays are coming up and with all the cards you’ll want to send out and the parties you’ll be having, what better way to show off how cute your family is than to have a session and get some FUN images?! 🙂

*the 50% off session is only for those who entered and while we’ll do our best to accommodate everyone, the session must take place in october or november, 2012. 🙂

l. & r.
November 20, 2012 - 12:00 pm

hannah & brandon. a day after session. » openFieldphotography. - […] readers, meet hannah & brandon! hannah was the winner of the session that we gave […]

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