openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

the donald family.

i’m (l.) pretty sure that there isn’t anything about this session that doesn’t make me:

a. smile.

b. want a family just like this one day.

we headed over to their house on a cold and gray saturday afternoon, but you’d never know how chilly it was outside because there was so much happiness and warmth radiating from the inside. 🙂

we ran around and just hung out…and it was lovely.

they recently added a little tiny addition to the family and since robbie and i have a direct line to santa, as soon as we were finished up with things, we made sure to let him know that these two are both EXCELLENT older siblings. how fun to have a  new little brother and a christmas tree at the same time!

cheers to fun families.


l. & r.

there was a sneak peek of this image on the openField FB page…but it’s too fun not to post again!

we couldn’t leave without getting a picture of the oldest donald sibling…this is simon.

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