openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

find us on pinterest!

i just googled “what is pinterest?” and the first response states it as “…a virtual pinboard. pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web.”

for both robbie and i, pinterest has been a tool that we use to keep track of the things that inspire us; the things that make us laugh or touch our hearts. it’s a piece of the giant inter-web that is ours to keep all of the ideas that move us to create. we’ve held off creating a board of just openField. images until now. we thought it was time to start pinning. and so, here it is. without further ado…our “virtual” corkboard of openField photography.

make sure to add us to your list, we’ll be sharing more beautiful things from now on.


l. & r.

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