openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

the canning family.

where oh where to start.

robbie and i feel so lucky that this family has come into our lives, and by such a fun way. long story short, laurie and one of our bride’s dad know each other…and after we posted those wedding images, laurie started keeping an eye on our work. we then announced that we’d be traveling out to VA. for our “almost annual” road-trip sessions and she emailed about wanting some images of her family. fast forward 6 years (i think! laurie, has it been that long?!) and here we are again. documenting this wonderful family and their growing girls (who we absolutely adore). these four girls are some of the most self-confident, most unique, smartest, and funniest individuals we know. it’s been fun to visit and see what wonderful people they’ve become.


thanks you guys for making the trip, for making us laugh and for buying us ice cream afterwards. until next year!


l. & r.

true story…robbie and i thought about just photoshopping ourselves (and homer!) in this one. i’m pretty sure this is one good family to be in.

oh my goodness, does it get any better?

aiden on the left and ellie on the right.

paige on the left, and kyra on the right.

these girls are all such GOOD PEOPLE. the have great role models in laurie & mike. they’re all so different and it’s wonderful.

how lucky girls are to have sisters. LOVE. 🙂

this is 100% paige. i love it. and her. she’s pretty awesome.

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