openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

stacey & matt.

first, let me start off by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR! we hope you all have the most merriest of holidays! us here in the mid-west are still thawing out from the coldest cold spells we’ve ever had (it was -14 degrees out!).

the holidays and the weeks leading up to were a bit crazy around here, in the best possible way of course, and we got a *tad* backlogged with blogs…but that stops NOW! over the new few weeks we’re excited to show you a TON of new images with BIG blog posts!!

first up are stacey & matt.


these two are extra special for us…matt (or matty as i’ll refer to him for the rest of the post!) and robbie have been friends since they were kids. matty has some funny stories about some of robbie’s shenanigans when they were younger that still make me laugh out loud. HA! matty was in our wedding. he loves homer. he’s and A+ in both our books. when matty met stacey, i think everything just fell into place. 🙂 we made a trip down to charlotte, nc to meet her and it was like we’d always known her…and we knew it was just a matter of time until they’d make it official (actually, i think i even said awkwardly in the car when we were driving to dinner, “so, when are you two gonna get married, i mean…” yup, i said that. leave it to me!

anyways, matty made it official while on a hiking trip and stacey said “yes!” YAY!

i’ve said it before and i’m standing by it, the mid-west in the fall is the greatest place on earth. there is no other place like it. the colors of the changing trees, the light in the morning, it’s all wonderful and i’m glad we get to photograph in it. we decided to take full advantage of such weather for their engagement session while they were on a visit to ohio. we walked around, laughed, chatted about wedding plans and grabbed some images. below are some of our favorites.

stacey & matty…we love you. we’re both so happy for you guys. see you in the ATL.


l. & r.

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