openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

stacey & matt. the wedding.

our first wedding of the 2014 season had us traveling down to the great city of atlanta, georgia. first, let me just say, i now GET why people live in the south…it was the first week of march and it was 73 degrees outside. this girl (pointing back at myself) loves the sun.

ok, so with that out of the way, now onto the wedding!

stacey & matt chose the beautiful callonwolde fine arts center, which is this great mix of gardens, with amazing old architectural details, fantastic floor to ceiling windows, wonderful pieces of art, in the city, but tucked into the woods all at the same time. the whole day was filled with twists on classic details, great friends, family from all over the country and laughter!

they opted for a first look, which also gave us time to walk around and really get a sense of just how lovely the estate was. we really do love it when couple decide to do a first look!

matt’s family is pretty special to us, and we were so honored & excited that he & stacey asked us to document their big day.

lots of love to you…we wish you nothing but love & happiness.


l. & r.

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