openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

the wallis family.

happy friday!

you all know how much we love this family…we have the great honor of photographing them for just about every big milestone in their lives. the last time we photographed them, mirabelle was just a few days old. fast forward a few months, we met up with them on the farm (the tiny tree you see in a few of the images is the SAME tree that betsy & tom planted during their wedding!) to get a some images. we had just about the loveliest of days to do so too!

here are a few of our favorites…enjoy!

p.s. how cute is ms. mirabelle in her little outfit?! those tights and that hat! LOVE her!


l. & r.

hey, wallis family…you guys, you’re the cutest! thanks for being so rad.

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