openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

maria & friends.

first of all…a big “CONGRATS! to the class of 2015!”

we were contacted by maria’s mom (the cutie on the far left) last fall…she had the wonderful idea to commission us to photograph maria and her college roommates for a graduation gift. are you kidding? that’s about the sweetest idea we’d heard. 🙂

*i should also point out that i’ve know maria since she was about 6 or 7 years old. her sister, barb, was one of the first friends that i made when i moved to dayton, ohio and started college. i’ll forever be grateful for her friendship and the great memories that i made while she was my neighbor living next door to me. gosh, i loved my tiny little studio apt.

SO…fast forward a few years and you are now up to speed. oh wait, we also photographed maria’s senior pictures, so it’s safe to say she’s stuck with us photographing the major milestones in her life from here on out. 🙂

we met these AMAZING, SMART, FUNNY, HAPPY and WONDERFUL ladies on the campus of the university of dayton just a few days before graduation. it was just about the loveliest of spring days, too. we had a great time getting to catch up with maria and getting to know these girls! we love this idea, the idea of being able to capture these girls as they all head off in different directions…some of them off to more school, some of them off to jobs, some traveling, and some of the craziness of life. how fun that they’ll be able to look back and this time with images.

we ended the session with them back at their cute little house.

congrats again you guys….thanks for being so fun.


l. & r.

what a cute group of friends!

🙂 favorite from the session!

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