openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

candice, chris, the boys & buck.

this session has all the components of all the things we love…a past bride & groom who had an AMAZING wedding day…who now have two CUTE little boys…who also have a dog (duh, you know we LOVE doggies!)…a cute & quirky downtown…i mean, do i need to continue?!

these guys live in virginia, but were visiting family in ohio, so we made it work and got a session scheduled with them! big shout out to candice’s mom who lovingly gifted this session to them! 🙂

we had so much fun catching up, laughing, and capturing the craziness that can be two littles, traveling with different schedules & routines and loving on their awesome dog, buck.

thanks so much you guys, we adore you, and we hope these images make you smile for years to come!

cheers! until next time!


l. & r. & homer

candice and her shoes. she wins for greatest shoes, she had BEAUTIFUL wedding day shoes, and these green ones, SO CUTE!

the next few ones of father & son crack us up! hilarious!

BUCK. what a dog. he & homer met too on this trip, they didn’t *love* eachother. homer was quite charming though and worked his magic on candice’s parents…there was some major belly rubs going down. 🙂

her parents have such a BEAUTIFUL backyard, so we decided to head over to their house and grab a few images…they have a pond, swings, flowers galore, even grape vines…amazing.

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