openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

the carmichael family.

meet the carmichael family!

they invited us over to get some family images with the NEWEST addition to their family…baby M.!!  it was a bit chilly outside, so we decided to do an indoor session…and their house worked out perfectly (so many wonderful windows!).

big sister gillian was oh-so charming and has such an infectious and lovely laugh, and baby M. was happy and chill the entire session.

we really do love photographing families interacting and just being themselves, not a ton of posing…but a ton of giggling, and just being together. these are the memories that robbie and i remember with our families, and we couldn’t be more honored that families ask us to document moments like that for them. 🙂

enjoy a few of our favorites from our saturday morning with the carmichael family!


l. & r.

this blue bench is a family heirloom and they have an image of gillian as a baby sitting just like how little M. is sitting.





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