openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.


r. & i honestly can’t get enough of these types of sessions. model sessions that is. they’re fun and relaxed and we often get to be as creative as we want. i also really really enjoy styling these sessions, pulling clothing and shoes and letting it all play out in whatever was the universe sees fit. we try to find time to squeeze a few of these in each busy season, because again, they’re a good way to step back, recharge, and let some ideas play out.

so, this is hannah. she’s got amazing wild hair and is super fun and is obviously stunning. the wind was also our friend on this particular day. here are some of our favorites from our time spent in downtown indianapolis.

we’ll be booking some model sessions early spring and if you’re interested you can always drop us an email info(at)openFieldphotography(dot)(com) to chat about one.


l. & r.

see, told you the wind was our friend.

loved the dappled light on that lavender wall. and that dress…fit like it was made for her.

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