openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.


It’s always a good time when we work together. She’s fun (and funny), witty, strong and powerful. This is Chelsea.

I like working with creatives and creative types. I like the collaboration and I enjoy the challenge.

We’re traditionally “outdoor” and “on-location” photographers, but I have the advantage of having a partner that’s a WIZ at lighting, and we have all the studio “fixings” and a garage, so we tried our hands at something a bit more studio-like.

Here are just a few images from our time, and if you stick around, we’ve got more to show off, from a different session, with this same strong woman. It’s a good one…we promise.

Chelsea, thanks for coming with your ‘A’ game…every. single. time.


l, r. & *homer (*the studio dog.)

hair & makeup: Chelsea Mark | styling: me


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