openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

the baird family.

we always seem to have such a great time with this family whenever we see them.


i’m sure you all remember betsy & tom (from their earlier post!)

it was not only their wedding anniversary, it was another anniversary of sorts as well. the property and all of the land that the baird’s farm is on has been in the same family for over 100 years. how cool is that?

some time back, mrs. baird found an old family photo that was taken not too far from where the image below was taken with the date written on it. that date was september 26, 1913. she contacted us and asked if we’d be able to do a shot to match where the original one had been taken. always up for a fun challenge and happy for any chance to see this great family, we gladly agreed!  this is the part of being photographers that makes our job SO INCREDIBLY cool. it was a fun change of pace and we’re still working on the finishing touches (which include large scale portraits that are both in color and sepia to match the original print) robbie has done an amazing job; we’ll post images soon!

we also spent some time getting some updated family portraits…below are just a few of our favorites.


l. & r.

rosie & bently the family dogs! every time we go to visit the farm we always take homer and the three of the run around like crazies and go swimming in the pond. it’s pretty cute. we couldn’t leave without getting a few fun images of these guys!

everyone should do themselves a favor. when you’re having a bad day you should look at this image. you can’t help but smile. you’re welcome!

November 13, 2013 - 6:48 pm

Suzanne - As always, great pictures that capture a beautiful family. However, the fact that you refuse to capitalize the beginnings of your sentences drives this English teacher crazy!!

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