openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

betsy, tom, mirabelle & bennett.

hi everyone! 🙂

we’re a *tad* behind on blog posts (please forgive us!)

so, to get things started, we wanted to share with you all the WONDERFUL & AMAZING family that are the wallis’!!

you’ve seen their fun smiling faces before and we met up with them at their family tree to get some new images for them.

these favorites that we picked couldn’t make us happier…we really feel that this is what a “family lifestyle session” should be; carefree, silly, and all about being together.

happy viewing, friends!


l. & r.

how CUTE is this chubby little man?! his smile and happy disposition is infectious!! 🙂

we’ve said it before, but it’s so fun that we go back to the tree that betsy & tom planted at their wedding. how fun that they have a visual diary of their family and such a special tree.

oh bennett, your hair makes me smile. 🙂

can’t you just hear her laughing?!

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