openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

shereen & matt.

meet shereen & matt. we *kind of* love these two. we traveled down to louisville, ky. for their session and ended up shooting at a wonderfully fun garden museum-thingy. we can’t wait for the wedding next year, which is guaranteed to be even more amazing.  these two also have great laughs and smiles, which is always fun to photograph.

BIG hugs you guys…here’s to you.


l. & r.

*a big thanks to rajeana too (a lovely friend/past bride of ours who passed our name along to shereen & matt). YAY!

this last image is a new FAV. for sure.

August 2, 2012 - 12:16 pm

shereen & matt. the wedding. » openFieldphotography. - […] shereen & matt. these two were married on a lovely rooftop ceremony overlooking the ohio river. totally surrounded […]

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