openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.


To be perfectly honest, sharing the next series of images terrifies me. I’d like to think that a great deal of who Lauren and I are as people and what we value is reflected in our images. Focusing on the smallest detail, isolating an intimate touch, or getting as close as possible to a joyful moment, is a direct result of what we value in our own families and personal life. That said, when it comes time to share photographs that are not about someone else but instead directly about us, it can be a little intimidating. Over the next few days you’ll see several images of dancers in a combination of ballet, modern, and interpretive poses. The landscapes where these dancers are placed have particular sentimental value to me because they were all photographed in the small village of Gambier, Ohio, where I grew up. In fact, many of the remote areas are farmland once owned by my grandfather. The buildings in which these dancers were allowed are also part of my childhood and used with permission by Kenyon College.

I have such admiration for the dancers and all the people who helped to facilitate this project. In many ways, this is a tribute to the beauty and grace of my hometown, as well as a collective effort of remarkably talented athletes and gentle guidance of my beautiful wife. Without who, I would have never had the courage to pursue this personal project.

I give to you, Sarah.


January 3, 2012 - 1:27 pm

Phyllis Eberts - Absolutely beautiful, Robbie. The music in the movement and scenery touches the soul. Thanks for sharing.

December 20, 2011 - 11:14 am

Jessica Strickland - beautiful. in every way. such a sweet sacredness to it all, as well. 🙂

December 18, 2011 - 8:02 pm

Melissa Carl - Beautiful post Robbie. …and I love the images. The hay is really cool.. Curves are nice. I like the delicate part of the images, combined with the beauty in the background. Very nice work.

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