openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

katie & her girls.

hi, hi, hi everyone! here’s another SUPER CUTE *end of summer session* for you all!

katie, mia and maryn.

these three…we had such a fun evening with them! it was HOT and i mean, REAL HOT, but that’s nothing that a little dip in the creek won’t cure! the girls loved the water and as you can see, had a grand ol’ time! mia’s off to school soon, and we know she’ll be fearless!!

enjoy a few of our FAVORITES from their session and HUGS to katie and her girls!!


l. & r.

THE cutest! those smiles though. 🙂

i love this series of mia dancing…this was at the very end of the session, she’s got some mad skills. 🙂

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