openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.


We thought that everyone could use a bit of cheering up and some happy distractions (US included!) while we’re all a bit on edge dealing with the current & crazy global situation. Luckily for you guys we have a PLETHORA of happy families and sessions to post for just such occasion. 🙂

Those of you who’ve been with us for a while will surely know these wonderful souls. We met up with them at their traditional fall family portrait spot and spent some time giggling & laughing. The three smallest members of this family are animated and each have their own distinct personalities, which add even more to the whole family dynamic…we LOVE this group!

Mirabelle and Bennett react especially well to Robbie (who’s honestly a BIG KID anyways) and he really captured some hilariously silly images of them. 🙂

So, sit back, turn off CNN or NPR, and allow yourself a small reprieve from the day. Enjoy the happy faces of the Wallis Family.


L. & R.

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