first things first, her cast is real. she was running UP a vert ramp at a skate park…things didn’t work out so well and she broke her arm. she broke it right before she went to camp, but she didn’t let it ruin her time there…you know why? cause she’s a CHAMPION this one. she’s a grand champ, and also they know apparently have water-proof casts…SAY WHAT?! i never broke any bones when i was a kid, but i had plenty of friends that did. but nowadays, they make water-proof casts, so she could swim and be a kid for the whole summer and not have to wear a bread bag tied to her arm!!
anyway, i digress…back to this one. she’s one of my favorite kids to photograph. she’s got a laugh better than most adults i know and a personality to match. she’s also got cool fun shoes, a pink bandana we turned into an arm cuff and a toothy grin…all the ingredients that make for fun portraits! we borrowed a skateboard, tied up her arm cuff, which we also used as a headband and set out to make some happy portraits.
here are a few of my favorites! enjoy!
love you sweet hal jo!
by lauren.