openFieldphotography. » the blog. photography by lauren chapman & robbie gantt.

the gronemeyer family.

meet the gronemeyer family!

these wonderful souls invited us over to document who they are before the hustle that is the end of the summer.

the three kids are headed back to college. the two boys, jake & nick to continue their studies and mia, just starting out on her journey.

bella (their sweet pup!) insisted that we keep throwing her ball for her to chase (obviously we happily obliged, duh.)

it was genuinely a really fun session, these people know how to laugh, and to make each other laugh. those are the BEST kind of families.

thanks gronemeyers for a fun evening! you guys ROCK.


l. & r.

mia. class of 2018.

CHEERS to mia and the rest of the class of 2018!

we met up with mia for some a “your style” senior session while she was up visiting family.

in fact, the next blog that we post will be her with her family, so stay tuned for that…it’s a fun one!

anyways, while we were photographing her family and as we try to do with EVERY family that we photograph, is take a portrait of each member, nothing formal, just a portrait to document who they are at this particular time in their life. when it was mia’s turn, she enthusiastically jumped up and said,

“OH ME! i didn’t get a chance to do senior portraits!”

to which i said “wait, what?! no senior portraits? WHAT ARE YOU DOING TOMORROW?”

right then and there before a single portrait was taken, we scheduled a session for the next afternoon!

we spent about 45 minutes with her, getting to know all about her next adventure; starting college in north carolina.ย  we had a grand time laughing and taking some portraits.

everyone should have portraits taken to commemorate graduation, it really is a huge milestone in a person’s life. so again, CHEERS to the class of 2018 and most especially to mia!


l. & r.

*we’re also NOW booking senior “your style” sessions for the class of 2019! what’s a “your style” session you ask?! well, it’s just that…it’s YOU, it’s YOUR STYLE, it’s a session that’s not fussy or formal, it’s not a studio environment, but rather an on-location lifestyle portrait session. they are more relaxed and which allows for YOU TO SHINE. email us for more info and to chat about booking a session that’s ALL ABOUT YOU.

katie & her girls.

hi, hi, hi everyone! here’s another SUPER CUTE *end of summer session* for you all!

katie, mia and maryn.

these three…we had such a fun evening with them! it was HOT and i mean, REAL HOT, but that’s nothing that a little dip in the creek won’t cure! the girls loved the water and as you can see, had a grand ol’ time! mia’s off to school soon, and we know she’ll be fearless!!

enjoy a few of our FAVORITES from their session and HUGS to katie and her girls!!


l. & r.

THE cutest! those smiles though. ๐Ÿ™‚

i love this series of mia dancing…this was at the very end of the session, she’s got some mad skills. ๐Ÿ™‚

katie & emily. an end of summer session.

these two. ๐Ÿ™‚

emily is headed off to kindergarten next week…off to new and exciting adventures!

but before she heads off, her mom wanted some time with just her… some time to hold her sweet little hand… let her wear her favorite dress… and time for a few extra kisses and cuddles.

when katie reached out to us with this idea we immediately LOVED it. robbie and i chatted on the way home after the session about how special these images would be one day and both kinda wished that we had images like these.

our time with these two was silly and happy, involved lots of laughing and ended with us all making a wish upon a dandelion. what a way to spend a summer evening.

we love this family and couldn’t have been happier that katie trusted us to document such a milestone in their lives…much love and big hugs to you guys. until next time, friends. ๐Ÿ™‚


l. & r.

this was a full session, however, we’re still booking our *end of summer* sessions. those are a 30 min. session and along with that you’ll receive ONE image for printing. we’ve got a few spots open, so reach out TODAY if you’d like to have some time with your little while the sun is still warm, and they’re still small. ๐Ÿ™‚ you can send an email for more info and availability to info (at) openFieldphotography (dot)(com) or click on the link to the blog post with all the details!

mary frances.

we met up with mary frances at one of our favorite places to photograph in downtown indianapolis! the colors on these walls, they are a splendid addition to everything! her red lip was also the perfect accent to the wardrobe (how great is that red & pink dress?!) and her crown (made by me!) and the cool and funky leather jacket…definitely a fun way to spend a summer morning!

thanks mary frances, you were so much fun!


l. & r.